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Radio e Accessori di Qualità per RadioAmatori
ELEDI Service Srls
Via Valmacca 112 00148 ROMA
P.IVA 16308261003
An antenna that covers all 7 bands from 30m up to 6m with more than acceptable result.
This antenna requires an ATU (Automatic Tuner) in most of the bands. Just on 20 and 10 meters SWR is quite acceptable without a tuner.
The DELTA7B is not directive but almost omnidirectional, has in very low elevation angle (similar to vertical antennas ) and a very low noise level, such as loop antennas, and in this case a Delta Loop.
This antenna supports up to 1000W, without buying upgrades for more power. All antenna is built in aluminum and stainless steel and withstand winds up to 120 km/h. The antenna has only ~9kg of weight, so one person can raise it without too much effort. Makes it an ideal antenna for fixed or portable.
Via Valmacca 110 00148 ROMA
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